Enter SEMAS in January 2011!

An extremely happy child emerged from her SEMAS classes bubbling with the knowledge that "she can do this". It was a "lightbulb" moment and of course left Mom with tears in her eyes. She has grown from strength to strength, thrilled at doing her homework and excited at the rapid growth in her ability. She has progressed from being average/below in her Maths class to being one of the top 3. This, in a matter of 2,5 months!! Her overall confidence has blossomed—from being a shy little girl to one who gave a beautiful speech in February at a friend's wedding! Thank you so much to Manisha and Claudia---2 very dedicated, professional and "hands on" instructors.

Their personal interest in each and every child is extraordinary. They send follow up letters to each and every Mom and Dad every week, informing them of the work that the children did that week and also any news of homework or areas of concern. They have been wonderful in terms of teaching me too and I would be lost at sea without them!

Congratulations to two very special educators!! You're a gift to Crawford Prep, Lonehill! I wish you well in the future and thank you for the wonderful results that you're helping Michaela achieve!