Ross has been Level 4 of 5 (Good Achievement) the whole year. Since starting SEMAS, Task Completion has moved from 3 (Satisfactory) to 4 (Good) - it has been noted that his speed in everything has improved dramatically - which means that he is able to move onto extended work which he was not able to do previously.
I have noticed an improvement in Ross's confidence, particularly once he was made Champion of Champions at the SEMAS National Competition in August!! He has definitely become more self confident and assertive (this is in combination with and his karate and other achievements).
His instructors have shown tremendous individual interest in Ross and there have been many times he has needed an individual lesson to enable him to move to the next Kyu. Ross has thrived under his instructor's guidance and has exceeded all our expectations! The small group teaching since mid year has enabled Ross to progress at a fantastic rate. We believe that SEMAS is a really good tool to assist the development of a child and fits so well into our belief of the infinite scope of what a child is able to achieve.
The one area Ross has always had a weakness has been the "completion of tasks" and SEMAS has addressed this requirement directly. The speed with which he has covered the volume of work in the last 4 months is incredible. SEMAS definitely requires dedicated tutors combined with commitment and time from the parents.
The initial 2 terms of an hour a week at school and half an hour to an hour homework in the week would have seen Ross lose interest - we needed to escalate the levels more quickly and as soon as I requested that in May, his instructor responded and Ross has benefitted tremendously!!
I have noticed an improvement in all three of my children's confidence since starting with SEMAS. I so enjoy SEMAS for the way in which it teaches the children to think in a manner different to what they learn in school. I like the children to learn to think "out of the box" (a wonderful life skill) and SEMAS is a great way to facilitate this.